Project of Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation (GMRC) Limited
(SPV of Government of India and Government of Gujarat)



Signalling, & Train Control

‘CATC’ (Continuous Automatic Train Control System) based on “CBTC” (Communication based Train Control System) which includes ATP (Automatic Train Protection), ATO (Automatic Train Operation) and ATS (Automatic Train Supervision) subsystems using radio communication between Trackside and Train.
Train operations planned to be Driverless.

Telecommunication and Fare Collection

i) Integrated System with Fibre Optic cable, SCADA, Train Radio, PA system etc.
ii) Train information system, Control telephones, and Centralized Clock System.
iii) Automatic Fare collection system with POM and Smart card etc.

Construction Methodology

Elevated viaduct consisting of pre-stressed concrete “Box” shaped Grinders on the single pier with pile/open foundations, and underground tunneling by TBM (Tunnel Boring machine) using EPBM(Earth Pressure Balancing Method) technology & also some portion by NATM(North Austrian tunnelling method) and UG station by the cut & cover with TOP-DOWN methodology.

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